Logging in to a.s.r. for net pension scheme now possible

Geplaatst op 29 November 2024

(Former) members with capital in the net pension scheme of Pensioenfonds Robeco can now log in to a.s.r.’s portal.  The capital of this scheme was previously transferred from ABN AMRO Pension Services to a.s.r., and participants have been informed by mail or e-mail.

With the transfer to a.s.r., all participants have been given a neutral investment profile. This can be easily adjusted via the portal at www.mijn.pensioen.asr.nl, where options for defensive, offensive or self-investment are also available. For active members with an insured net partner’s pension, this will also be visible on the portal soon. This insurance is already effective from 1 April 2024.

For questions, members can consult the FAQs or contact the a.s.r. helpdesk at (030) 278 03 34