Deposit into your UOP account or pay out


Pros and cons

If you pay premium into your UOP account or choose to have it paid as salary.

Important to know

Your choice to pay or withdraw your gross UOP premium into your pension account (opt out) does not affect the level of insurance over future years of service of your survivor’s pension. That depends on your salary!

Possible benefits if you deposit your premium into your gross UOP account

  • If you buy a pension in the basic scheme at retirement with our pension fund, you do not have to pay a surcharge for the buffers.
  • You do not pay a capital gains tax (Box III) on your accrued capital.
  • The UOP premium is meant to be a pension contribution. Paying the premium now will reduce the ‘gap’ between your salary now and the pension you will get later.
  • The UOP premium is deductible now (at the top income tax rate), the benefit is taxed later and probably at a lower rate.

Possible benefits if you opt out: Your UOP premium will be paid as gross salary. With this money you can:

  • Save or invest as you like, the money is not ‘fixed’ in your pension account.
  • Invest without being tied to the limited supply of investment funds.
  • Pay off debts (such as a mortgage).
  • Consuming now.