Frameworks of your new pension known

Geplaatst op 11 October 2024

Social partners (employer and works council) have set the frameworks for the pension that will apply to you on 1 January 2026.

In the new scheme, pensions become individual capitals. You get a personal pension capital. You no longer accrue pension rights, but with the accrued capital you ‘buy’ a monthly benefit when you stop working. Your existing rights will be converted to a personal capital and introduced in the new scheme.

Now that the social partners have outlined the frameworks, it is up to the pension fund to flesh them out and ensure a careful and balanced transition. We are working hard on that. Only in the run-up to the envisaged transition on 1 January 2026 can we provide more insight per member into what the transition means in euros for your pension (benefit). Until then, we ask for your patience. Perhaps a reassuring thought: there is reason to expect that the new scheme will have a positive effect on your pension.

Want to know more?

  • Read all about the new pension rules here
  • Read all about the new pension system here