New pension system

Pension agreement: more transparent and personalized
In 2019, the Cabinet, together with employee and employer organizations, concluded a pension agreement with new agreements on pensions and AOW. These should make the pension system in the Netherlands more transparent and personal. On this theme page we want to explain the consequences of the pension agreement for your pension.
By January 1, 2028, the pension agreement should give us a new, future-proof pension plan. Until then, we will still have some major questions to answer. Here you will find what we know now, general agreements, planning and other relevant information. Do you have any questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Update 23 September 2024
The frameworks for the pension rules that will apply to you from 1 January 2026 are now known. The social partners (employer and works council) have reached agreements on this. The social partners have laid down these agreements in a transition plan. You can read all about these frameworks here.
More information can also be found at On this website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), all Dutch people can find information about the new pension system and the transition to it.
The site lets you see and read that new rules for retirement are coming, when and why they are happening, who is working on them and what will change. If you want to read what information the employer has for you on this topic, click on the following link: Your pension at Robeco (