Higher pension


Different ways to increase your pension

You can make voluntary additional savings, redeem a partner pension, but you can also continue working part-time, pay off your mortgage, cash in the surplus value of your house or take out a savings scheme with a bank or insurer.

The Uniform Pension Statement (UPS) you receive every year shows the amount of pension you have accrued with Pensioenfonds Robeco. Do you want to know how high your projected pension is? Then go to www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.

There are several ways to influence the amount of your pension:

    1. Save up voluntarily. If you receive variable pay, you can make your own additional deposit into your account in the top-up scheme(s).
    2. Do you participate in the top-up scheme? Then choose to deposit as much of the premium made available by Robeco into the corresponding account each year.
    3. Don’t have a partner? Then exchange the accrued partner pension for extra retirement pension.
    4. If necessary, supplement the pension with your own funds within the third pillar via a bank or insurer.