New pension scheme

New rules for your pension from 1 January 2026
The new Pensions Act came into force on 1 July 2023. This law deals with the new rules for pensions in the Netherlands. This also requires Robeco’s pension scheme to be adjusted. In a transition plan, the social partners (employer and works council) have defined the framework for your pension.
In the new scheme, pensions become individual capitals. You get a personal pension capital. You no longer accrue pension rights, but with the accrued capital you ‘buy’ a monthly benefit when you stop working. Your existing rights will be converted to a personal capital and introduced in the new scheme.
Lower buffers, higher pension benefits
All active members, regardless of age, will receive the same pension contribution rate from 1 January 2026. The pension fund will keep fewer buffers (reserves). As a result, we can, we expect, pay out more money as pension when the time comes. We do keep reserves to absorb setbacks, but these reserves are lower than in the current pension system.
Flexible premium scheme fits best
Employer, works council and the pension fund think the ‘flexible contribution scheme’ variant suits Robeco’s (former) employees best. In this variant, there is the possibility in the accrual phase to choose how to invest your own pension capital in different life cycles. Yet there remain enough elements in which we share risks, such as the risk of living longer or shorter.