Core new scheme


Your new pension will be a ‘flexible contribution’ scheme.

In this, you get to choose to some extent how you want to invest your pension assets until your retirement date. There are various life cycles for this. After that, you invest collectively with all other pension beneficiaries.

The core of the agreements:

Premium 31% of pension base
The contribution budget for active members compared to the current situation remains unchanged at a rate of 31% of pensionable earnings. This agreement applies for five years from transition date. As fewer buffers are maintained, more premium will generally go towards your pension capital.

Choosing your own degree of risk
For members in the accrual phase, they can choose to take more or less risk in their investment mix. For all members in the benefit phase (pensioners), we invest collectively.

Insured dependants’ pension
The survivor’s pension is insured and amounts to 32% of pensionable salary. The old accrued survivor’s pension remains.

Retaining current rights
The existing pension rights are transferred to the flexible scheme. We call this ‘invaren’. This means that everyone in any case receives his/her pension provision as it is built up in the current career average salary scheme.

Balanced distribution of buffers
The pension fund’s collective buffers are distributed evenly among all members and are thus subsequently part of personal pension capitals.

Higher expected pensions
Pensions are expected to be higher later in the new flexible scheme than in the current scheme. However, this expectation depends on investment performance and the level of contribution after the 5-year agreement. The final pension outcome depends on these uncertain factors.


See how we treat your current rights