Pre-retirement scheme
You may have a pre-retirement scheme
Our pre-pension scheme is a defined contribution scheme. In the past, you built up a pre-pension capital through premiums. This capital has been invested.
By default, this pre-pension capital is converted into a temporary old-age pension paid out between the ages of 63 and 65. Six months before you turn 63, you will receive a letter explaining your pre-pension scheme.
Before the first payment of pre-pension has started, you have the freedom to deviate from this standard by:
- Matching the benefit to your state pension age
- Spread the benefit over a maximum of five years before your state pension age
- Adding the pre-pension capital to the lifelong retirement pension and linked partner’s pension that you have built up with Pensioenfonds Robeco.
If you want to postpone the effective date of your pre-pension until after the age of 63, for tax reasons this is only possible if you remain employed until the postponed effective date of your pre-pension.
Will you take early retirement immediately after your employment with Robeco? During the period of your pre-pension, Robeco will pay your pension premiums under the pension fund’s basic scheme.
More specific information can be found in the pension regulations.