
On July 1, 2023 the new pension act came into effect
As a first step, social partners need to adjust the arrangements, and pension funds need to modify their (administrative) systems. This applies to us as well. The new rules and agreements for your pension should come into effect no later than the end of 2028.
Our ambition is to accomplish this earlier, specifically by January 1, 2026. We will keep you informed about whether this is achievable through this website. You can also subscribe to the digital newsletter for updates.
April to December 2023
Conduct member survey.
1 July 2023
Future Pensions Act enters into force.
1 July 2024
Submission of transition plan to DNB by social partners.
1 November 2024
Submission Implementation Plan to DNB by fund.
Submission Communication Plan to AFM.
Submission Communication Plan to AFM.
1 January 2026
Transition to the new pension system and cash in old rights.
See also: (Dutch only)