Positioning Sustainable Development Goals


SDGs offer a blueprint to create a more sustainable future

Achieving all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets will require a level of cooperation never seen before.

Multilateral organisations, governments, civil society groups and businesses all need to join forces to change the complex social patterns that underpin today’s unsustainable patterns of production and inequalities. The financial sector has the power to direct money flows and therefore plays a crucial role in the implementation of the SDGs.

The quantitatively managed Robeco investment funds have an explicit objective to have a greater weight than the reference index in companies that contribute positively to the achievement of the SDGs than the reference index. For all Robeco investment funds in which the pension fund invests, a minimum absolute percentage of investments in companies with a positive SDG score is also enforced.

Of the aggregate investments in equities and credits, 69% contribute positively according to the Robeco SDG framework.