Sustainability rating SFDR


Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) classification

For the sustainability classification of the fund’s investments, we use the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) classification. The European Union (EU) developed the SFDR regulation to make SRI more targeted and much clearer.

Since early 2023, the pension fund classifies itself as Article 8, meaning that the fund classifies itself as “a product that promotes environmental or social characteristics” (click here for a more detailed description of SFDR).

Currently, 90% of the fund’s investments are classified as article 8 by the managers. Compared to last year, this is an improvement.

The reports associated with SFDR are provided by the fund’s fiduciary manager. The fund accounts for achievement of objectives in retrospect in the annual report. In the so-called Principal Adverse Indicator Statement, the fund indicates whether and how the Principal Adverse Indicators (PAIs) prescribed by the regulator and the 2 voluntary indicators are taken into account in the investment policy. This statement by the fund can be found here: unfavourable impact statement. (in Dutch)

The Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) report reports on the quantitative realisation of these adverse effects on an annual basis. This can be found here.