Ecological footprint


Objective: footprint lower than the benchmark index

Because of the complexity, it is not easy to develop policies to take the effects into account.

Climate change is a systemic risk with potentially high societal impact. Our sponsor has developed its own climate change policy with an ambition to achieve net-zero emissions from its investments by 2050.

Robeco’s quantitatively managed investment funds have an explicit objective to achieve a footprint lower than the benchmark index. The Aberdeen Standard Euro Corporate Bond Fund targets a 10% reduction in carbon intensity.

The pension fund has a significantly lower footprint compared to the fund’s reference index. Aggregated, we see that the footprint is just under 30% lower than the reference index (53.6 versus 74.9). This is an improvement on the previous year, when the footprint was 20% lower than the reference index. We also see a clear difference between the footprint in developed and emerging markets.

Note that ecological footprints have a retrospective nature. While it is a good indicator of transition risk, it does not say everything. It does not take into account any steps companies have announced to reduce emissions.