Top-up scheme

In addition to the basic scheme,
we also have a top-up scheme
This is an individually available premium scheme, through which you build up a capital to purchase a pension benefit upon retirement. Depending on your salary level, you can participate in the gross top-up scheme.
If your salary exceeds the upper limit of scale 100 (2024: € 87,302), you will be entitled to a top-up premium. Robeco pays a percentage of the top-up base in the form of a premium. The top-up base is that part of your salary that exceeds the maximum. The premium percentage depends on your age on April 1.
You can use this premium to accrue a pension under the top-up scheme (once a year via MyHR you can also opt to add the premium to your gross salary). Up to a pensionable salary of € 137,800 you can participate in the gross top-up pension.
Net top-up scheme discontinued
If your salary is above the statutory limit of €137,800 (2024), you can no longer build up pension capital in the net top-up scheme on the part above that limit from 1 April 2024. The employer quit this scheme and the pension fund made a collective value transfer of the accrued net pension capital to A.S.R. If your salary is above €137,800 (2024), you will be paid the premium for that part as salary from 1 April 2024.
You will still be insured for net survivor’s pension from 1 April 2024 only no longer through the pension fund. The employer has transferred this insurance to A.S.R. as of that date.
Defined contribution
The gros top-up scheme is a defined-contribution scheme (also referred to as a ‘defined contribution agreement’). This means that you do not accrue pension entitlements as a function of your salary, but that Robeco provides a premium to enable you to accrue a pension.
Age | Premium* |
21 t/m 24 years old | 6.0% |
25 t/m 29 years old | 7.3% |
30 t/m 34 years old | 8.9% |
35 t/m 39 years old | 10.9% |
40 t/m 44 years old | 13.3% |
45 t/m 49 years old | 16.3% |
50 t/m 54 years old | 20.0% |
55 t/m 59 years old | 24.8% |
60 t/m 66 years old | 31.1% |
* % of your salary that exceeds the maximum salary under the basic scheme
At age 67, the capital accrued under the top-up scheme is converted into a retirement pension or into a retirement and partner pension. Up to your retirement date, you as participant carry the investment risk. The final value of your pension depends on the value of the deposited premiums, the return on investments and the interest rate at the point in time when the capital is converted into pension benefits.