The pension schemes

Three retirement pension schemes
Building pension at the Robeco Pension Fund is done through complementary schemes, which is called a hybrid scheme.
All employees with Robeco participate in the Robeco pension scheme and accrue a pension. Accrual stops at the age of 67, or if you retire early, die, or leave Robeco.
The principal elements included in the Robeco pension scheme are:
- Retirement pension accrued under the basic scheme
- Retirement pension accrued under the top-up scheme
- Dependents pension
- Disability pension
Pension accrual is not based on your full salary, since you will also receive a government pension (AOW) when you retire, and part of your salary will therefore not be included in your pension calculation. This part is referred to as the franchise. The franchise under the Robeco pension scheme is € 17,545 in 2024.
For the portion of your fixed salary (including 13th month) up to the upper limit of scale 100 (in 2024: € 87,302) pension is accrued under the basic scheme (average-salary scheme). The portion of your fixed salary (including 13th month) that exceeds the upper limit of scale 100 accrues pension under the top-up scheme (defined-contribution scheme).
The board fixes the franchise amount annually. The salary that is linked to the top of scale 100 may also change in the course of time.