
Contributing to prosperity and well-being

Based partly on a participant survey conducted in 2021, where ESG was one of the topics, we have formulated the following ambitions.

  • With our investment choices, we contribute to both prosperity and well-being. In doing so, we choose responsible returns because we are aware of our social position as a pension fund and institutional investor.
  • Together with our commitment to a financially sound pension, we take responsibility for the effects of our investments on the world in which our members retire or have already retired. We want to avoid negative impacts on society and make a positive contribution where possible through engagement and/or voting policies.
  • We have the ambition to act in line with the net zero ambition of our sponsor Robeco. We aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 in our investment portfolio, compared to 2019.
  • We have the ambition to be classified as SFDR 8 by 2023.