Various instruments
To implement the SRI policy, we deploy the following tools.
- Pursuing an exclusion policy.
This ensures our normative floor and ESG risks. - Pursuing an engagement policy
(voting and engagement) by making company policy more sustainable as an active shareholder. We do this by selecting asset managers that demonstrably pursue an engagement policy and report on it. - Integration of sustainability aspects
into the investment decision (ESG integration). This is reflected in both the selection process of asset managers and the investment process of the asset manager. We deploy ESG integration because the board believes that integrating sustainability information leads to better investment decisions. - ESG risks are explicitly considered in the risk management framework.
The fund’s risk appetite is defined as follows:-
- The fund wants to understand the ESG risks run, with an emphasis on risks related to the environment and climate
- The fund’s SRI policy should be followed
- It is important for the fund that participants are aware of its SRI policy
- Exposure to the Robeco exclusions should be limited where possible
- Signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI).
The pension fund has signed these and we expect our selected managers to also be PRI signatories, or to be able to demonstrate that they embrace similar principles of socially responsible investing. By signing these six principles, institutional investors acknowledge that this will better align the interests of investors with broader environmental, human and governance objectives in society. Signatories commit to adhering to these principles. In doing so, we aim to meet market standards and, based on annual assessments, we further shape our SRI policy.